04 December 2007


Because of the number of training hours required for TIS certification, the county enrolled both Karen and me in the Cabell County Tech Cadre. This team of ten professionals would become a "Task Force," eventually sent out to offer professional development sessions to the staff of Cabell County Schools. Being enrolled in the Tech Cadre also meant completing the IC3 course. Each of these courses were instructed by Steve Beckelhimer, STEM Science Coordinator at the June Harless Center, Marshall University. County support for the Cadre was coordinated by CCBOE Technology Director, Dennis Adkins.

According to Certiport, Inc. The Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC³) program is the world's first validated, standards-based training and certification program for basic computing and Internet knowledge and skills. Successful completion of IC³ ensures you have the knowledge and skills required for basic use of computer hardware, software, networks, and the Internet.

After the Tech Cadre course was complete, the members were assigned to offer specific professional development. Together with Heather S. and Kathy W., I was assigned to develop a 2 hour session on Podcasting. The purpose of the course was to identify an interest in a longer course to be developed for the Fall, 2008. We chose to focus on a general overview of podcasting and possible integration in the K-12 classroom, resources available on the web (including implementation of those specifically available on iTunes), and a brief introduction to Audacity, open source software for recording and editing sounds. Course resources are posted on Wanted: Global Citizens, located in the Web Index.